The Kolkar of Desolace

Speak with Felgur Twocuts at Ghost Walker Post in Desolace.

The Kolkar centaur live in Desolace, and their forces have spread into the Barrens. This is a known fact and we have Horde agents dealing with them here.$B$BBut as long as the centaur are strong in Desolace, they will always pose a threat. It is time we rid ourselves of that threat.$B$BSpeak with Felgur Twocuts at Ghost Walker Post in Desolace. He was sent to gather intelligence on the centaur. He will know how to best deal with the Kolkar of Desolace.



You are here on orders from Regthar? Then you are here to deal with the centaur. Good.$B$BI hope you're rested. I don't know how our campaign against the centaur will end, but I know the struggle will be long.$B$BHave a seat, and listen.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 650 experience
  • 25 reputation with Orgrimmar