The Corrupter

Bring a Shadowstalker Scalp to Maurin Bonesplitter in Desolace.

I believe I can find this demon lord given the proper reagents.$B$BIf he is indeed as powerful as I suspect, I will need items gathered from deadly creatures. But you act in the Warchief's name, so I am sure you will accept my task.$B$BFirst, I will have to break any wards he has against scrying. For this, I will need the scalp from a satyr--but not any satyr. The scalp must come from a Hatefury shadowstalker.$B$BSearch for them among the ancient ruins in the northeast of Desolace.



Do not bring me an incorrect scalp, $c. Using the incorrect reagents could cause our deaths. The demon lord may have contingency spells on his person to slay those who would scry upon him.$B$BFate has already dealt me enough pain.

The shadowstalkers were unable to slay you, $c. Impressive... most impressive.$B$BThis scalp will do nicely for my spell. While you were away, I was able to gather some of the other reagents needed for the spell.$B$BI am almost ready. I only need a focus for the spell--something to project an image of the demon lord and his whereabouts.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 2650 experience
  • 250 reputation with Undercity
Quest Item Drops