The Tome of Divinity

Search the outer ring of Ironforge for John Turner.

Your task then, $N, is to find someone here in Ironforge that is in need of aid. Someone who is pure of heart and motive. Perhaps someone helping others. Perhaps someone in need of a guide. Regardless, the person must have noble intent and be relying on your kindness.$B$BDo this, and return to me when you are finished. Then, we shall discuss more of your path and what it means to be a paladin of the Light. I will remain here in the temple for your return. Other paladins will need my guidance also.



THE ORPHANAGE OF STOR... oh, sorry, didn't mean to shout at you, sir.$B$BMy name is John Turner. How are you?$B$BGood, good, glad to hear things go well for you. I've had a long day of work already, and I miss my wife terribly, but that's the price you have to pay when there are mouths to feed and backs to clothe.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 460 experience