Xylem's Payment to Jediga

Deliver Xylem's Note to Jediga in Azshara.

What is it? Oh yes, your payment. Of course.$B$BTake this and be off with you. I'm sure Jediga is awaiting oh so patiently for your return.



Well, what did Xylem have to say? He didn't do anything to you, did he? Cast a spell on you? Con you into doing work for him?

No problems? None at all? Well, that's something to be said... I expected him to show some sort of reluctance or to at least betray our deal. Hmm, maybe he can be trusted after all.$B$BWell, no need to dwell on it that much. Here's your share. Thank you for your help.

You will receive:

60 Silver
82 Silver
80 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 3800 experience