A Matter of Time

Use the Temporal Displacer near one of Andorhal's silos and uncover Temporal Parasites.$B$BSlay 10 Temporal Parasites, and then return the Temporal Displacer to Chromie in the Andorhal Inn, Western Plaguelands.

Tampering of the timeline by a sinister force - most likely the Scourge - has occurred in Andorhal! I can try to keep the passage of time here intact and mend what has been damaged, but I'll need your help to do so uninterrupted.$B$BTemporal parasites - carrion that feed on the strands of time's altered flow - now infest the silos of Andorhal. A blue pulse of distortion is their only visual marker. They slow my auguries; please $N, help me by using this temporal displacer to root out these parasites.

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Temporal parasites are a common malady present wherever the flow of time has been tampered with. I sense that many are present, and this is disturbing.$B$BRooting out whatever ones you can find will help me be able to take a better hold on the deteriorating temporal situation here. I will be able to sense when this has been achieved.

Time feels easier to mend now, thank you $N. While you might not understand fully the consequences of a fractured timeline, I appreciate that you understand the urgency of countering what I suspect more and more to be a Scourge-driven malfeasance.$B$BI see no harm in rewarding you for your assistance, mortal. Your greatest feats are to come, and the awarding of a bauble will certainly not alter your future destiny. Your continued aid, however, is something that I and the dragonflight could use...


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Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 5800 experience