The Jeremiah Blues

Find Jeremiah Payson in the Undercity and see if he is in fact Jeremiah Felstone. If he is, then perhaps he'd like the package Janice Felstone made for him.

From the evidence I am able to muster, the person you seek - and the intended recipient of the parcel - is Jeremiah Payson, the Undercity cockroach vendor.$B$BI've always been of the opinion that it takes a special gift to sell... cockroaches. No doubt you are on quite the epic sojourn now, mighty $c. I will leave you to your world-shaping endeavors. Allow me, however, to be a part of your magnum opus and reveal that he is located near the bank, suitably groveling under one of the walkways.



Every time someone steps on a cockroach, I cry. Please don't make me cry.

I haven't used that name in years... but yes, at one point in my life - before this glorious unlife - that was my last name.$B$BYou claim to have known my sister... or rather, have recently spoken to my sister.$B$BWho's been dead.$B$BFor four years.$B$BYou know, if my bones weren't already brittle enough, I'd be tempted to break my foot off on your posterior. You're quite the vulture, aren't you?$B$B What... you have a package for me from my sister?


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 5100 experience
  • 250 reputation with Undercity