Barov Family Fortune

Venture to the Scholomance and recover the Barov family fortune. Four deeds make up this fortune: The Deed to Caer Darrow; The Deed to Brill; The Deed to Tarren Mill; and The Deed to Southshore. Return to Alexi Barov when you have completed this task.

Within the Scholomance lays the Barov family fortune. I, Alexi Barov, am one of the last two remaining heirs of the house Barov. My brother, Weldon, is the other.$B$BWeldon, the miserable coward, fled during the war and thus retained his worthless existence as a human.$B$BHe now searches for the deeds so that he may claim the fortune for his own. Recover the deeds before my brother does and I shall make you wealthy beyond your wildest dreams!



Bow your head in my presence, $r. I am a noble, after all, and you are a copperless peasant.

Excellent work, $R. Now to secure my inheritance...

You will receive:

1 Gold
80 Silver
2 Gold
19 Silver
60 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 6600 experience