Humbert's Sword

Retrieve Deathguard Humbert's sword from Dun Garok and return it to him in Tarren Mill.

High Executor Darthalia sent me to keep watch of Dun Garok from a distance. I had set up camp just out of sight. But when morning came and I had to boil water, I left to gather firewood.$B$BWhen I returned to camp, I discovered my gear was missing.$B$BApparently some dwarven scouts from Dun Garok had passed by and made off with it. I need my sword! If you can get it back for me I would be so grateful. So many dwarves will be quite difficult to find the dirty little thief who stole it.



Were you able to retrieve my sword, $N? High Executor Darthalia will hang me from the rafters if she discovers my folly.

You found it!$B$BAh, I feel so complete with my precious sword back in my hand. Many thanks to you!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 3050 experience
  • 350 reputation with Undercity
Quest Item Drops