Cracking Maury's Foot

Bring Maury's Key to "Sea Wolf" Mackinley in Booty Bay.

Curses! That swab Maury put a lock on his foot, and I can't open it! His loot's inside the foot, and that's what he owes me!$B$BWe need to find the key to open the lock. Maury was known to gamble with the Mosh'Ogg ogres, at their mound to the northeast. And he told me, when he was still alive, that the last time he went to the mound he was chased off after winning too much. Maybe the Ogres there have his key.$B$BBut if they do, you might have to kill a load of them to find the right one...



Ahoy, $N! Have you yet found Maury's Key?

You found it! Thanks a million, $N. You've been a big help to me!$B$BHere you go - you earned this!


You will also get these rewards:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 4650 experience
  • 350 reputation with Booty Bay
  • -350 reputation with Bloodsail Buccaneers
Quest Item Drops