Anthion's Old Friend

Take the incomplete Banner of Provocation to Falrin Treeshaper at the library in Dire Maul.

Theldren is not one to willingly participate in a fair fight. I've shaped this banner to display his family colors.$B$BWith some additional sorcery, this banner shall provoke him in a way he won't be able to resist.$B$BAn old acquaintance of mine named Falrin knows the exact procedure required. He has a particular way of... aggravating people. You shall find him at the library in Dire Maul.



Speak up stranger, can't you see I'm busy?

Anthion sent you, you say? I thought he was dead. I guess I've heard stranger things in my life.$B$BVery well, then. What is it you want me to do with this banner?


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 6600 experience