... and a Batch of Ooze

Gather Un'Goro Slime Samples from any of the slimes in Un'Goro Crater. Then, using the Testing Equipment next to Chemist Fuely in Undercity, see which of your samples are the most pure. Bring 5 of the Pure Un'Goro Samples you find to Chemist Fuely.

Have you heard of the Un'Goro Crater, $N? It is near the Tanaris desert, and it is a magnificent place: lush, vibrant, full of creatures and plant life.$B$BIt is there you must go. Word has reached me that the place seems completely untainted by outside hands. Explorers are just now discovering its secrets.$B$BI would like to test the slimes or oozes there. If it is true--that they are uncorrupt--then I would like to see how such creatures have evolved.



Yes, $N? How goes your search?

Truly amazing, $N. This Un'Goro Crater is holding many more secrets than I expected. I wonder what else we will discover as we test further.$B$BSimply amazing... look at the purity of these samples. Hmm, I wonder what it could mean. They seem to be elemental in nature, but... something more. They remind me of... of the Old Gods. We've found traces of them throughout Azeroth, and now I wonder if these creatures aren't related to them somehow.$B$BWe shall have to test further.

You will receive:

65 Silver
99 Silver
80 Copper
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 5800 experience
  • 250 reputation with Undercity