Melding of Influences

Bring a Merged Ooze Sample to Chemist Fuely in Undercity.

Here is some encased ooze created from the Felwood samples you recovered. Take the case to Un'Goro Crater and find a pure ooze... the primal variety will do nicely. When you get close enough, release the ooze in the case, and let us see what the two think of one another.$B$BAfter the experiment concludes, bring me a sample of whatever is left over. I will await you here in the Apothecarium.



How goes the experiment, $N? I will continue to study the samples you've recovered for me--I am starting to see why Lady Sylvanas is so interested in these creatures. If they are truly part of the Old Gods, then who knows how it can be used to our benefit.

Oh, most excellent, $N. This is most excellent.$B$BSuch a tale. Who would have thought the two would interact with one another in such a way... I will have to spend more time looking at the environmental issues that cause changes in these creatures.$B$BI will continue my research for now. Perhaps we will speak again soon. Until then, I wish you well.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 7050 experience
  • 350 reputation with Undercity
Quest Item Drops

Gargantuan Ooze

Merged Ooze Sample

50 - 52
