Spirit of the Boar

Bring three Blasted Boar Lungs, two Scorpok Pincers, and one Basilisk Brain to Bloodmage Drazial.$B

When I first administered the elixir, $N, I could tell that one or two applications would not satiate your appetite. Even now, I can see the hunger in your eyes. The concoction has addictive properties of which, seemingly, the most strong of will cannot resist.$B$BSo be it! Should you require more of the lung juice cocktail, venture back into the wasteland and find for me three blasted boar lungs, two scorpok pincers, and one basilisk brain.



Where are the organs, $N!?

I must warn you, $N, do not attempt to mix the formulas I have created. The chemical properties of the formula you most recently ingested will always take precedence over former enchantments; thus, rendering the other formulation null.


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