Silver Heart

Collect 11 Silvery Claws and 1 Irontree Heart for Eridan Bluewind in Felwood.

I do not know the one you speak of, $N.$B$BBut worry not; if your friend was on a journey to find me, I do know what it was he desired.$B$BIn the heart of Un'Goro Crater dwells evil of the purest form. This evil takes the shape of an elemental called Blazerunner... protected by an aura that none can dispel...$B$BNone... except those with enough power to do so. I can teach you of this power, $N.$B$BFirst, do as I ask. Collect 11 Silvery Claws and 1 Irontree Heart from the creatures in Felwood, then return.



I can tell you more of the power required to defeat Blazerunner, but first, you need to gather the things I require.

Very well, $N. I can see you are serious about helping your friend.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 5450 experience
Quest Item Drops